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FBC Facilities

The following is a summary of the facilities available at the church:
•The Sanctuary: 

                    Seating 800
                    Aisle Length 75 feet
                    No. Of Rows 3
                    No. Of Pews 54
• Multi-Purpose Hall: Maximum capacity for sit down dinner is 200.
• Family Life Center: Maximum capacity for sit down dinner is 500.
• Commercial Kitchen for preparing already cooked food.


The following rules apply to the use of these facilities:

1. No furniture is to be moved without the approval of the Pastor or the Facility Consultant assigned.

2. Nails, tacks, wires, screws, or fasteners that leave marks, holes or coloring are not to be used to fasten decorations on any furniture or the building.

3. Only non-drip candles are permitted.

4. All decorations are to be removed from the sanctuary within two hours following the service or event.

5. Request must be made at the time of completed application for rooms needed for dressing. All personal articles must be removed immediately after the event or service.

6. The church office should be contacted one-week prior to the event to set up a time for decorating if decorations are to be used.

7. Rice, birdseed, confetti, etc. may not be thrown inside the church building.

8. Smoking is not permitted in the church or education building.

9.***Alcoholic Beverages and Red Drinks*** in any form are NOT to be served as a beverage on the church premises!

10. Only Appropriate Music permitted to be played on the church premises.